*This is part of our State Of The Art series, showcasing bands every Monday from the featured State*
This month’s State is North Carolina!
Today we will be talking about the downtempo band From Wrath To Ruins. They have been around since the year 2014 and are situated in Greensboro, North Carolina. The band is already ruling their town Greensboro but soon they will rule all over the state including your neighbourhood so watch out! They have created 2 EP’s so far and 2 singles. Their first EP is called ‘The Execution Initiative’ which is self released on the 11th of September 2015. Their second EP ‘As Above, So Below’ got released this year on the 28th of May via their label Chugcore Promotions. {This album is linked at the end of this page} The album ‘The Execution Initiative’ you can find HERE on their Bandcamp. Besides these 2 brutal EP’s they have released the single ”Procreate” that got out about 1 month prior to the release of ‘The Execution Initiative’, click HERE to listen to that song and to also find out more about their roots. They have always self released their music via bandcamp besides the single ”Procreate” and the full album ‘As Above, So Below’. The song ”Procreate” got released on the youtube channel Pig Squeals And Breakdowns, the album ‘As Above, So Below’ with the single ”Masochist” got them signed to Chugcore Promotions which you can find both releases on.
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