Prophets Of Rage combines the sonic firepower of Rage Against The Machine, Public Enemy and Cypress Hill. Prophets Of Rage, features all the members of Rage Against The Machine except Zack. On vocals is Cypress Hill’s B-Real and Chuck D of and DJ Lord of Public Enemy. Morello declared to Rolling Stone: “We’re an elite task force of revolutionary musicians determined to confront this mountain of election year bullshit, and confront it head-on with Marshall stacks blazing.” The band’s name derives from the title of the Public Enemy song “Prophets of Rage” from its 1988 album It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back. To coincide with the band’s protest performance at the Republican National Convention, it released its debut single, titled “Prophets of Rage”. The band created a major buzz when they postered every wall in Hollywood with their their logo, and no one knowing exactly what it meant until they played its first live show on January 20, 2016. Last year, Prophets of Rage released their debut EP,’The Party’s Over’, and hit the road together for the very first time. The band now has their debut full length ready to hit stores. Due out September 15th, the self-titled record spans 12 tracks, including titles like “Radical Eyes”, “Legalize Me”, “Hail to the Chief”, “Strength in Numbers”, and “Who Owns Who”. Prophets of Rage were joined in the studio by veteran producer Brendan O’Brien (Pearl Jam, AC/DC, RATM). The band has now released their first single from the upcoming record. “Unfuck The World” is a politically charged song and the video carries on with the sentiment as well. It was directed by renowned film maker Michael Moore. Moore and Prophets Of Rage both are always about creating controversy and putting their ideas and beliefs out into the world. The combination of the band and film maker working together makes for an exciting and revolutionary video. It was also just announced that the band will be headlining this years Louder Than Life festival in Louisville, Kentucky on October 1st. Continue reading →