Hey y’all! Get ready with that bullet belt around your waist, some tattered jeans and a beer mug(not sure if going to war with a beer belly is a good idea though) in your hand, cause today we go to war. Yes, today I bring to you an exclusive video premiere of the Indian underground band, WARMARSHAL‘s all new track “This Is War“. Hailing from down south, Hyderabad, the band is a trio and doesn’t shy away from planting that boot on your face, firm. Without much ado, let me introduce you WARMARSHAL, for those who might be unaware of them and think ‘where next to conquer‘, *wink* in your never ending search for uncharted territories.
War and metal have always been friends that have relied on each other and have proved to be the perfect amalgamation. The intensity, atrocious and the bestial nature of both death metal and war have never failed to amaze fans. Thus, being the reason why there are still a plethora of rising bands that chose to walk along the path that was paved already by the likes of legends such as BOLT THROWER, BESTIAL WARLUST etc. WARMARSHAL is no different as well. Combining elements of war, atrocity, politics and belting it with pure old school death metal intensity, they are adamant on establishing their name in the Indian metal scene.
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