From releasing their first album in 2003, they have come a long way in a very short amount of time. Carrying forward the aggressiveness and brutality along with the emotion filled music, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER are all set to release their new album, ‘Nightbringers‘, via Metal Blade Records on October 6th, this year. ‘Nightbringers‘ will be the eighth full length album the band will offer after 2015’s equally hard hitting ‘Abysmal‘. To celebrate the new album, the band have already put out a new music video which is for the title track. You can check the video at the bottom.
The members recorded their own part in the album independently by splitting up, which helped bring out the best in the individuals. With former bassist Ryan Williams once again assisting, the drums were tracked at The Pipe Yard in Plymouth, Michigan and rhythm guitars and bass in the band’s practice space in Warren, Michigan. Ellis then recorded his many mind boggling solos in his home studio, while Strnad opted to record at his home in Auburn Hills, Michigan with Joe Cincotta (SUFFOCATION, INTERNAL BLEEDING) of Full Force Studios overseeing his sessions. The ghoulish cover art was the brainchild of Kristian Wahlin, aka Necrolord, who has designed seminal artwork for the likes of AT THE GATES, BATHORY, EMPEROR and also TBDM‘s 2007 release, ‘Nocturnal‘. “I think he’s the most prominent artist when it comes to classic releases in the melodic death metal genre, and kind of bringing things full circle with it being the ten-year anniversary of ‘Nocturnal’ felt right. By now people probably wouldn’t have expected us to go back to him, so it’s kind of a surprise, but at the same time it’s a very classic cover too.“, Strnad speaks.
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