Gene Simmons, the legendary fire-breathing bassist from Rock and Roll Hall of Famers KISS has finally announced some of the specifics on his long-awaited solo box set, ‘The Vault.’
In a promotional video released today, Simmons details the lavish box, which he claims to have put three years’ work into. The 10-CD, 150-song set contains material spanning fifty years (back to when Gene was only fourteen), including many KISS classics in their embryonic form. The packaging (which the video warns may differ from the final product) resembles a small safe on wheels, and will contain not only the discs but a full-color book packed with photos from Simmons’ personal archives and stories behind the songs, an exclusive Gene Simmons action figure, an “In Gene We Trust” medallion, and a “very special surprise” (the accompanying video shows Gene going through boxes of one of a kind memorabilia in a massive warehouse).
Perhaps the most outlandish thing about ‘The Vault,’ though, is its method of distribution. Rather than go through traditional channels, ‘The Vault’ will be personally delivered to customers by Gene Simmons himself.
GeneSimmonsVault.com still bears a “Coming Soon” message. There’s no word yet on pricing.
You can check out the promo video here.