How often is it that 3 bands you are dying to see come together on one bill and actually have a date within a drivable distance. (Let me tell you now, In Eastern Kentucky this doesn’t happen too damn often) First to get the crowd up and going the Atlanta based band Poynte took the stage. They immediately had the attention of the crowd. The whole audience immediately stopped talking amongst themselves and all eyes were on the stage. After the first song they scream from the stage “They say rock n roll is dead”. They began to demonstrate just how alive and well rock n roll is. They started playing the song “In My Head” and I kept thinking to myself it sounded really familiar. Upon further investigation it’s a Jason Derulo cover. Never in my life did I think a band could cover a rap song and make me like it. Check that off my bucketlist. Kenny the vocalist has an amazing singing voice, but when he screams it made my jaw drop. He sings a lot more than he screams, and let me tell you when he screams it is at that perfect moment and it fits like a glove in the song. Guitarist playing his axe with a drumstick is always good to see. Then they get the crowd involved “When I say weak ass, you say bitch”. I honestly don’t think I’ve heard “bitch” screamed so loud (except for that one time at that Denny’s in the ghetto.). When they played their final song you could see everyone in the crowd exhale. Everyone in the crowd was wanting more.

Guns Out At Sundown
Next up was Guns Out At Sundown. I think I lost about 10 pounds just watching these guys. They are one of the most energetic bands I have seen in a really long time. Lead singer Nate had a smile on his face the entire time. I know that a lot of bands love performing, but you can tell when they can’t stop smiling. I spoke to Nate afterwards and he said “I try not to smile so much because I know it’s not metal, but I just can’t help it.” The most metal thing of all is playing music because you love it, and you could tell Nate and the rest of the band love what they do. They mentioned something on stage that I think anyone that has ever stood out in a crowd could relate to. “Fuck all those people who look at you different because of piercings, tattoos or long hair.” The song “Heart Be Still” comes across live just as fucking heavy as it does on the album. Being able to experience it live really reaches out and touches your soul. These guys are road warriors and spend almost half the year on stages across the U.S. so you can bet your ass they sound amazing on stage. I took a moment to blink and one of Chris Tepper’s drumstick comes flying at me. It hits me in the shoulder and I’m able to pick it up before the hordes of fans trying to dive on it. (Thank goodness it didn’t knock my beer out of my hand, I would have been mad). These guys are legit. They sound just as good live as they do on the album. They also had a recent dust up with a local band in New Jersey. (New Jersey explains it all really) But, Nate tells me everything is cool now and GOAS and the local band (Too Far Lost). He says they have contacted each other and apologies have been served all around. It was just great that the headlining band Trapt had the backs of their support band, and for that they deserve some kudos. If you have not seen the Maryland based band play yet, make plans. They are awesome live, take your girlfriend and they will sign her tits. Also buy their merch guy Keith a beer, he’s a pretty down to earth fella as well.

Sons Of Texas
One of the bands I have been wanting to see for a while is Sons of Texas. They have this amazing sound that is heavy as shit and melodic at the same time. People always jump straight in to the vocals, but what stands out to me the most with this band is the groove created by bassist Nick Villarreal. His deep tones and twang in each song really set them apart. It’s often hard for a bassist to stand out in a metal band and he is able to do that. So bass players out there pay the ticket price and take notes. You can’t talk about this band and not mention Jes De Hoyos and the nonstop shredding he unleashes. When they began playing the song “Baptized In The Rio Grande” I think everyone in the crowd was singing along. Singer Mark moves around on the stage and has this deep tone to his voice that at times reminds you of Phil Anselmo. Trust me though, he can hit some killer notes that Phil probably can’t. (No Offense Phil) They have the perfect metal sound. When things couldn’t really get any better Kenny from Poynte joins them on stage. Having two great singers dominate a song was just a total bonus. Not too heavy, not too mellow. They have a killer chorus that has everyone singing along with them almost every song. One thing that makes a band great is when they kick ass on stage and then you meet them and they are just as down to earth and approachable as anyone else.

Sons Of Texas w/ Kenny from Poynte
This has been one of the better lineups anyone has put together this year. The bands fit so well together and you can just tell they all get along well. When you are watching a band play and you see members of the other bands on the side of the stage watching you know that it’s going to be a great show. These guys have been on tour together for weeks, and they still want to catch each other’s set. We hope to catch all the bands again in the future.
Make sure to follow these guys on social media:
Poynte: Facebook, Twitter, http://www.poynte.com/
Guns Out At Sundown: Facebook, Twitter, http://www.gunsoutatsundown.com/
Sons Of Texas: Facebook, Twitter, http://www.sonsoftexasmusic.com/
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