*This is part of our State Of The Art series, showcasing bands every Monday from the state of the month*
This month’s state is Michigan!
Get ready to have a 3 piece doom groove band fill the void in your soul with spectacular riffs and hooks. Wizard Union are from the Great Lakes state of Michigan (Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti). If you haven’t heard of these guys you aren’t trying hard enough to find good music. Their release Smoking Coffins is a kick ass groove filled escapade. Listen to the track “Into the Wizard’s Sleeve” and you will forever be a fan of these guys. Sometimes a three piece leaves room for improvement in the sound where something is lacking, this is not the case here. They showcase how a trio can bring you everything you want and need in a bands sound and more. Vocalist and guitarist Samir pulls double duty with his howls on the mic and riffing on his six string. The bass throughout the song sets this low vibrating tone that makes every vein in your body shake. The groove is created by bassist Aaron and the skin slaying drummer Larry who is also in another awesome band called Lizerrd. The songs aren’t overwhelming you with vocals, it’s the perfect amount. The vocals shriek through rattle through your head and linger throughout the day. The melodies created are so catchy you find yourself rhythmically humming and headbanging. The band was founded in 2012 and comprising this type of sound in such a short time. Normal bands spend years and years honing their sound, but Wizard Union is anything but normal. The album has been out over a year, it was released in January 2014. The album was recorded at Lakebottom Recording House where some other great bands have recorded like Lord Centipede, Serpent Speech, Blind Haven, Cloud Rat.

The band just wrapped up a performance at Back To The Field 3 festival in Ypsilanti where they were heralded as one of the tops bands to grace the stage. We certainly hope these goes can slow things down enough to make it down south to play some shows. Think of them as a slower groovier grunge version of Electric Wizard. In all honestly though, they create this sound that become all their own. Once you hear these guys you will be wanting to add a new patch to your denim vest, so make some room. Check out “Smoking Coffins” on their bandcamp and show these guys some love for making some amazing metal.
Follow Wizard Union:
and check out Lakebottom Recording House as well.