Bakersfield native and original Korn guitarist, Brian “Head” Welch is an artist who has undoubtedly battled his fair share of demons. In 2005, his demons, who took shape in the form of overwhelming drug addiction and discontent with road life, caused him to leave the band in search of a savior. He wouldn’t know it yet, but this would be the first step in his recovery before he began looking for a suitable rehab center in California. Realizing that he has a problem with drugs and doing something about it, is something that some people may never come to terms with. Acknowledgment can be really difficult. In fact, some families become so worried about their loved one’s addiction, that they make the decision to step in. Whether that’s through removing them from the situation or looking into services like this “drug testing near you in Durham NC“, both options could help the person realize that they need to change their lifestyle so that it doesn’t have fatal consequences. By quitting the band to search for a saviour, this is the best thing that Welch could have done. He took refuge in religion, became baptized, and devoted himself to Jesus Christ. Part of his decision for his abrupt change in life course was to protect his young daughter from the decadent rockstar lifestyle he was part of. During his departure from Korn, Welch focused on other creative outlets including a solo album, ‘Save Me from Myself’ in 2008, and multiple biographical books chronicling his life experiences. In 2012, he re-branded his solo project as Love and Death, under which name he has released an EP the same year entitled ‘Chemicals EP’ and an LP in 2013 called ‘Between Here & Lost.’ In May of 2013, a clean and sober Welch rejoined his former bandmates in Korn and has recorded two albums with the band since his return – ‘Paradigm Shift’ (2013) and ‘The Serenity of Suffering’ (2016).
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