How Music Is Used To Create Different Emotions

Music is everywhere. It can act as the soundtrack to many aspects of your life whilst it can also be used in many different ways depending on the genre and style used. In any given situation, it can be used to reflect something different and can be used to influence how you react or feel about something.

Ambient music

The presence of ambient music in film and television has long been used as a way to influence how viewers will react to what they see in front of them. Different music and instruments can elicit emotions based on what is on the screen. As an example, think about the low bassline in Jaws. As the music speeds up and increases in volume, it accentuates the sense of tension, alerting the viewer to the real danger that the characters were before they were attacked. It is this effect that music can have as at that point you genuinely feel as if you are part of the film experience, rather than just an onlooker eating overpriced popcorn. Just being able to connect to the characters on an emotional level indicates the influence that music can have in boosting a scene. Looking at montages, you can really understand what the character is going through in the time lapses. Just look at the Rocky films. When Eye of the Tiger hits during the match against Apollo Creed, the fanfare in the background alerted you to the sense that something historical might be on the horizon, and as a result, it leaves you on the edge of your seat in anticipation of what might happen next.

Where else?

It is not just in films where ambient music can have an impact as supermarkets and restaurants use similar ideas in order to help their customers to relax. As a result, the soft music in the background can help to provide a more laid-back vibe, which can lead to the customers spending more time and money or potentially coming back in the future. It is no different in the world of online and mobile casinos, where fast paced music and flashing lights can be used to excite and entice players, enhancing the experience and providing an adrenaline rush. Sites such as utilize this as it can give customers a sense of being inside a real casino, even if they are really lying on a beach or sitting in their kitchen. It can make the experience more enjoyable and replicates a true casino atmosphere.


11It cannot be underestimated how important music can be in setting a scene and getting an audience emotionally involved. Without it, many films would go by as a non-event, and they wouldn’t have the same impact. Music is vital to many aspects of life as it can provide an outlet in times of hardship and concern, as well as in situations where everyone is just having a good time. Knowing how to use it to your advantage is where the true skill lies, though. So next time you sit watching your favorite film, just take a moment to appreciate the soundtrack, as without it, it wouldn’t be the same film at all.

Tips for writing a personal statement

A personal statement is a style of essay. It’s usually written when applying to a school. In an application essay, you argue why you’d be a good fit. The paper is a standard procedure for college admission. Also called a statement of purpose.

The student must convince the admissions tutors in less than a thousand words. The personal statement is an essential deciding factor in high-demand programs. Getting an interview is the main aim of a statement. Students often use a paper writing service when applying to prestigious institutions. Certain applications may require you to write more than one essay. However, the initial paper is the most important. Writing one is no different from a normal essay. The only different thing is that you’re talking about yourself. You’re arguing through logic about how you’d be a great addition to the school.

Similarly to a regular essay, you’ll use logic and data to prove your points. The final result must be error and plagiarism-free. Also, you should format your paper according to the school’s guidelines.

Let’s look at the four main points your essay should carry before getting into the actual writing tips:

  1. Commitment and devotion
  2. Leadership and teamwork
  3. Research and writing skills
  4. Other real-life experiences 

Admissions tutors are looking for enthusiasm and dedication. It’s vital to convey that you’re eager to learn and bring value to the class. Write a clear and concise report of your skills and experiences. Explain how they’re going to benefit the course. Finally, proofread your work and send it.     

General tips for writing a personal statement

Have patience

A personal statement requires at least a few hours to complete. In most cases, it takes days or even weeks. You’ll need sufficient time for research, writing, and proofreading. It’s best to have a break once in a while and come back with fresh eyes. At a minimum, you should dedicate two days — the first one for the draft and the second one for adjustments. You won’t believe how many new ideas come to mind after a good night’s sleep.   

Structure it

It’s advised you imagine a basic structure before starting. Bundle up related ideas and organize them in separate sections. You can write a few keywords on the side of the paper. Whether you structure your text before or after writing, it’s vital to arrange the report logically. Otherwise, you’ll lose your readers from the get-go. 

The most important thing, however, is to have an intro, body, and end:

  • The introduction is the initial part of the text that explains your motives. Introduce yourself, your ambitions, and start the discussion.  
  • The body should mostly cover your school achievements. Leave some space for any extracurricular activities that might put you in a good light.   
  • The conclusion is where you express your final ideas. 

Draft and edit 

Start writing without minding the word counter. Let your ideas flow and create a few generous paragraphs. You’ll most likely write more than the word count, but you’ll trim it down by revising a few times. Cut down the bulk of the text by eliminating redundant info. Generally, it’s easier to write more and edit after than continuing word-per-word as you progress.   

Argue your case 

Try to convince your readers that you’re worth it. Explain your experience and skills and how you could bring value to the class. Think from their perspective: would you like to have a student such as yourself? What would intrigue and impress teachers about your talents? Keep this in mind about your audience when writing. 

Furthermore, always demand respect when defining your skills. Describe your experiences and abilities. Explain how your knowledge can benefit your academic journey. Say you’re an avid tech consumer. Instead of simply stating the obvious, try to expand on the benefits. For instance, you could write, “I’ve gained problem-solving skills by troubleshooting software and hardware issues.”   

Lastly, most admission boards will read your document onscreen. Use white spaces to keep a clean and scrollable text. 

Make it original 

Using other pieces of work to inspire yourself is good. However, it’s called a personal statement for a reason. Try to reflect your personality through your writing. “Acquaint” yourself with the admission teachers through your writing – be original.  

Be honest

Don’t try to appear someone you’re not. It’s acceptable to sell yourself a little bit but don’t exaggerate. For example, don’t say you’re fluent in a foreign language if you’re not. Similar lies might impress tutors when reading, but there will be a time when you’ll have to demonstrate your fluency.  

Proofread it out loud

You should proofread your final draft a couple of times. Additionally, read it out loud to see if it sounds right. Also, get a friend or two to read it for you. The more input, the better.   


A personal statement is an essay where the author candidates for a specific post. The writing is argumentative and tries to convince the reader that his skills and experience are suitable for the desired position. Application essays are written for schools, companies, and non-profit organizations. They’re important criteria for admission tutors when conducting the selection process.

How To Best Manage My Finances As A Single Parent

Dealing With Finances As A Single Parent

When it comes to being a single parent, one of the bigger issues that you will face would be that of your finances. Without a second source of income and two mouths to feed, you may sometimes find yourself in a situation where you have to decide between paying money to buy gas or buying groceries for the family. You might also reach a point where you end up looking at your retirement fund thinking if it would be enough.

What’s more, some single parents are even juggling more than one to two jobs in order to ensure that there is enough money to provide for their family. However, if you are eligible for child support, new york child support lawyer paul matthews can help.

Being a single parent is tough and having to be the one to provide for everything within the household can be quite straining and tiresome. By being a single parent, you might not be able to have the same amount of money that a double-income family does. This then leads to there being a greater limitation in contrast to these double-income families. Not forgetting the household chores are now only dealt with by one person as well as the job of raising a child.

However, this does not mean that all hope is lost. In fact, many single parents have become masters in properly managing their finances while raising their children to a full and happy life. So what can you do to best manage your finances as a single parent?

Be confident and decisive

Well, being a single parent does lead up to quite a bit of self-doubt. However, one thing that you should be is confident and aware of yourself. Being afraid that your decision is not the right one will lead to a delay. When this happens, it takes a much longer time to achieve the things you want. Especially those with regard to financial planning. As such, it is very important to sit down and set a plan for yourself and set some achievable and realistic goals to help you best reach it.

Seek help if you need it

If you feel that you are unable to do this alone, reach out to someone for help and get them to do it together with you. You cannot be doing everything alone and it is especially important to have someone to confide in and seek knowledge from especially about your financial issues. Having people who can keep you accountable close by is very beneficial too. Doing things independently could also mean that you are more vulnerable to the things that happen in life. As such, the availability of a support group helps you to first think about the decision you are making and when you talk about it, you can hear better reasoning as to why you should or should not continue with that idea.

Budget and Investment

Being in control of your budget is also very important. You should be fully aware of your monthly expenditure. Know what you are spending your money on and do not avoid it. As a single parent, there is a lot of responsibility on your shoulders, be it in terms of taking care of your children or financially. Having a proper budget and sticking to it will help you to reduce any unnecessary spending and allow you to focus on what is more important or what should be the priority.

Another important aspect is an investment. It is always better to take charge of your financial security. Because investment can grow your present wealth if traded strategically. You could always turn online for help as there are countless social trading networks and applications available.

Take care of your debts

Another very important thing to do is to clear your debts as quickly as possible. Being able to pay off your debts quickly leaves you being more financially free to finally use your money to spend on your family. To do so, it is good to take on a debt elimination strategy. Firstly list out all your debts from the smallest to the largest. Then start paying off the minimum you can for your debts except the smallest, try to pay off as much as possible for the smallest debt to clear it quickly. Of course, this is easier said than done, and many people could be forced to take out a personal loan to help decrease the amount of debt they have. You can even use something like this personal loan calculator, from somewhere like SoFi ( in order to compare the debt that you have to see how you can lower the interest rate and monthly payments going forward. In turn, this could help to clear your debt a lot quicker than if you were to go it alone.

Increase your employability

Have a plan to increase your earning potential. It is good to have a plan for the future, regardless of the little time you have to do so. When you have a plan, you set goals for yourself to achieve. As such, it is good to upskill yourself constantly. This would ensure that you will always be in a hireable position. This upskill could also help you to earn more in the future.

Talk to your kids about finances

It is also good to let your children be aware of your financial status. Do not be afraid to talk to them about things such as budgets and at the same time, this would help them to better understand the value of money and perhaps establish proper expectations. Allow your children to understand why they are unable to constantly have the things they want and to be able to make adjustments. What is more important is to show your children love. Be there for them in other ways. This way they will learn to appreciate you and your sacrifices.

Set aside funds for retirement

Never give up your retirement. As much as you would like to give your child the best, you should never short-change yourself. Yes, college and school fees are very important, but you also have to take yourself into account. Having a retirement fund not only allows you to live a comfortable life but also takes the burden off your children as well. Remember that it is alright to care about yourself first, when it comes to paying tuition fees, you could always look out for the available financial aid schemes within the different schools.


All in all, being a single parent does have its disadvantages and stresses. While it is important to ensure that everyone in the household is well taken care of and that the needs of your children are met, be sure not to neglect yourself in the process. Be sure to surround yourself with individuals who are genuinely there to listen to you vent about your frustrations and give you the proper aid and help you need.

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Quick Vaping Facts You Need To Know

A guide for beginners

If you are new to vaping and confused about everything, you are in the right place. Vaping terms like e-juice, tanks, and coils might seem foreign, and that’s why you need to continue reading this article.

However, this guide to vaping talks about everything you need to know, such as the benefits of vaping, e-liquid nicotine strengths, and so on.  

Vaping devices

Before moving on, you need to know what vaping is. Vaping has to do with using an electronic cigarette or a vaping device. Moreover, someone who uses a vaping device is called a “vaper,” while someone who uses a traditional cigarette is a “smoker.” So let’s dive deeper and know more about vaping devices.

Vaping devices comprise a drip tip, tank, coil, battery, or regulated mod. You can find vape devices in any vape shop today. 

Drip tip

The drip tip is where you inhale the vapor. Also, this is where the vapor comes out.


The e-juice is situated in the tank.


Every vaping device has a metal coil surrounded by a wicking material. It is necessary always to change the coil a few weeks or a couple of days when you notice a burnt throat hit.

Battery or a regulated mod

A battery powers a vape device. Now that you’ve known the various components of a vape device let’s take a detailed look at the different types of vaping equipment.

Vape pen

Vape pens look like normal pens, but they are bigger. One fascinating fact about vape pens is that they are inexpensive. Lately, there are many technological improvements in vape pens’ production over the CE4 devices (we’ll take a look at this shortly). Vape pens have lesser ohm coils to give sweet flavours, and a better throat hit.

CE4 Kit

The CE4 kit is also a cheaper vaping device, and it is common among newbies. This kit is compatible with 50/50 PG/VG e-juices that offer lower vapor production. The CE4 equipment is now less popular due to the production of vape pens.

Mod and tank  

The best way to vape with better battery life is through mods. Today, mods come in various designs.

RDAs, RDTAs, and mechanical mods

Experienced vapers use the Rebuildable Dripping Atomisers (RDA), Rebuildable Dripping Tank Atomisers (RDTA), and Mechanical Mods. It is essential to know that RDAs have rebuildable atomizer coils and are regularly topped up with e-juices. On the other hand, RDTAs function the same way as RDAs; the only difference is that RDTAs are actual tanks that hold e-juices. Instead of making use of manufactured factory coils, a vaper can build RDTAs on their preference. Mechanical mods do not need any coil, and they use an ignitor that allows currents from the battery to the atomizer. 

You can find RDAs, RDTAs, and mechanical mods at any CBD store online


E-liquid, which you can also call “e-juice,” is the substance found in the vape pen which gives the vapor its flavour and nicotine (that’s if the vaper is using nicotine e-liquid). The battery powers the vape pen to heat the e-liquid, changing it into smooth vapor.

Vapers can purchase e-liquids from any offline vape shop or e-stores such as Vapella UK Vape Shop and alike.

Nicotine salts

Nicotine salt is the craze buzzing in the vaping industry today. This is because it offers a better vaping experience as it imitates the nicotine feel you get from traditional cigarettes. Nicotine salts provide a smoother throat hit. According to Pax Labs, nicotine salts offer milder absorbability than e-liquids.

Freebase nicotine

Freebase nicotine is the purest form of nicotine, and it is the most common form of nicotine in e-juices. Nicotine itself is not potent in the body because it comprises negatively charged molecules. So to make it potent, you need to ammonia to pure nicotine. So you have to ‘freebase’ the nicotine to make it active. Many e-liquids today contain freebase nicotine.

Vaping is not a new concept

If you have ever thought about trying to stop smoking, you are not alone. Traditional cigarettes impose bad benefits on the body system.

This is where vaping comes in, vaping is not a new concept, and there are many health benefits to it. Let’s take a look at some of them. 

Benefits of vaping Vs. smoking 


E-cigarettes heat the nicotine, flavourings, and chemicals in the e-cigarette, thus creating the vapor that you inhale. Vape is less harmless than traditional cigarettes.


Both smoking and vaping offer nicotine, but the only difference is that cigarettes deliver the nicotine by burning the tobacco, thus producing many harmful toxins. On the other hand, vaping delivers nicotine through e-juice, and it is less toxic. The amount of nicotine when vaping depends on the strength of the e-juice. Meanwhile, the amount of nicotine in traditional cigarettes is fixed.


Vaping is not the same as smoking, but it offers the same experience as smoking a traditional cigarette. Vaping can also be social, and it helps people quit smoking traditional cigarettes.


Vaping is cheaper than traditional cigarettes. It is essential to know that 20 cigars a day can amount to $9,000 annually. On the other hand, vaping costs $900 per year.

E-Liquid Nicotine Strengths compared to cigarettes

Nicotine levels affect people differently, and it is essential to find the level that equates to your smoking habit.

It is also essential to know that light strength e-liquid has 12 milligrams of nicotine per millilitre, and five millilitres equals about a teaspoon. However, a teaspoon of e-juice has less than 60mg of nicotine. Many traditional cigars have about 9 mg of nicotine. But when you smoke cigars, you are burning lots of nicotine and inhaling 1mg of nicotine per tobacco cigar. This means that about 12 mg of e-juice is approximately equal to 60 traditional cigars.

Vaping trends for 2021

Here are the top vaping trends for 2021:

Smaller vape devices

Last year, vaporizers were the biggest trend. In 2021, there is a shift for smaller and more discreet vape devices. Companies that manufacture vaporizers are expected to come up with smaller devices to suit vapers’ preferences in the market.

Smartphone integration

Companies that also manufacture vaporizers now see the preference for smartphone integration to vape devices. Many vapers now see features such as Bluetooth for communication between vape devices and smartphones.

The increase of nicotine salts

Nicotine salts are now popular among vapers. For this reason, many manufacturers now prioritize the production of nicotine salts compatible devices.

Vape pen and vape pods

The design of vape pens or pods is now the primary preference for vapers today. We expect to see this design next year.


In this article, we took a detailed look at the top vaping fact you need to know. Hence, if you want to buy a vape device, or you continue to ask yourself this question: “where can I find vape shops near me?” All you need to do is search online, and you will see various vape shops.

Happy vaping!

Mike Brown is a senior editor and a blogger at VapeJuiceDepot. His true passion is to provide assistance in creating software to help businesses grow. Developing a system to engage people together as the products change the hands of millions of people is a thrilling accomplishment.

Famous Casino and Betting Strategies

Not everyone who bets on casino games uses a strategy to do it. Yet, enough people have faith in different betting strategies to make it worth looking into the details.

Here we look at some of the most famous ones.

The Martingale Strategy

This is arguably the most popular casino betting strategy. You just need to double your stake every time that you lose a wager but go back to the original level when you get a win. So, if you start with a $1 wager and lose the first couple of games, it will increase to $2 and then $4.

One of the keys to this system is that you need to use even money bets, or wagers that are close to being even money. A good example of how you can do this is by playing roulette, where you can bet on the likes of red, black, odd or even. You could also use it in blackjack, where the odds of winning a hand are close to even. If you’re itching to give the system a go for yourself, you may want to give this live casino website a shot and see if it works and pays off well for you.

The positive thing about Martingale is that you will eventually win back any losses and make a profit. However, the main issue with this approach is that you may need to increase your stakes several times before winning, which could cause you to run out of funds or else come up against the game’s upper wager limits.

Learn more about the martingale strategy here.

The D’Alembert System

This is similar to the Martingale system we just looked at. It is also used typically used on even money bets and you need to increase the size of your stake after every loss. However, the big difference is that you use a smaller level of increase each time.

You increase the stake by a single unit after a loss, so it could go $1, $2, $3, and so on. After a win, the stake is reduced by a single unit. This means that the amount you wager never increases as quickly as it does with Martingale.

With this approach, you can gamble effectively even with a relatively small bankroll, but any wins that you make are likely to be fairly modest in size. It is worth noting that Martingale and D’Alembert can also be used in games like blackjack and slots, while some people use them in sports betting or in stock market investing. However, some people may use Stock signals to better invest in the market, it all depends on how and where they want to put their money.

James Bond Strategy

If you are a 007 fan, you may recall that Bond has an interesting roulette strategy that involves putting a series of complicated bets on different parts of the table. It looks great when he does it, but it is an effective way of betting?

The truth is that the James Bond system doesn’t guarantee you a win. Since you are betting on several different possible outcomes, you will probably win on some bets now and then. However, it is possible that you spend more on your stakes than you win.

This is an example of a cover the table strategy, where you try to include as many of the likely results as you can. It requires a fairly high wager amount to work.

Fibonacci System

If we go back to the idea of a progressive betting strategy, Fibonacci is another alternative for various types of game. In this case, you are following the well-known sequence that begins as 1, 1, 2, 3, 5. The fact that it is based on a numerical sequence often seen in nature appeals to some people.

It is similar to Martingale in that your stake increases on losing runs, but the gentler rate of progression means that the stake doesn’t grow as quickly in this way. An alternative is to use a reverse Fibonacci strategy, with the stake increasing after wins rather than losses.

Top Advantages of Boku Payment Method in Online Casinos

Most gamblers use Boku to make online payments while playing online games. Boku payment service has built the reputation of facilitating fast, instant and secure deposits in online casinos. Several Boku casinos have embraced the new technology of mobile payments because of the benefits that consumers enjoy. Since it was developed, the payment service has been ranked as the best payment avenue for play casino sites in the UK.

Those who have used it while playing games in the online gambling world have found this method beneficial. That’s why you’ve probably noticed more and more online gambling sites adding seals to their sites and informing avid gamblers that they support Boku payments. Players don’t need a bank account or credit card to use this service. Boku allows you to make online payments that are billed to your mobile phone directly. And this is the ideal option for players who want to keep their banking and other personal details away from the online world.

How to use Boku

Depositing funds to your preferred online casino through Boku is easy and super-fast. The entire process takes a couple of seconds.

Step 1

To load money to your online account using Boku, you need to take three critical steps. Start by navigating the payment interface of your casino and you’ll find three options:

  • Pay by phone
  • Pay by e-wallet
  • Pay by debit or credit card

When using Boku, you should always go for “pay by phone” to get redirected immediately to the payment page of the service. If you’ve never used this service to make online payments, you’ll be prompted to do so in a simple and fast process via SMS

Step 2

Key in the amount you’d like to deposit into your online gaming platform, your password, and then submit. You’ll receive an authentication message via SMS. And the funds will reflect instantly in your account. Once this happens, you can start using your daily free spins on online gambling site to increase your chances of winning.

Zero transaction fees

Unlike e-wallets and credit/debit cards, Boku can be used for free by all online gamers. Boku will not deduct anything from the amount you choose to deposit. And this is one of its greatest advantages. This means that if you deposit $10, only $10 will be deducted from your phone credit and you’ll end up paying only $10. It’s super easy to deposit and withdraw on casinos that accept Boku since they charge the phone operating service and eliminates a huge portion of your liability. The process of making online payments with this service is simple and straightforward. It is a platform that was developed with every online player in mind.

Supported by other mobile providers

The majority of mobile networks in the UK accept the Boku payment method when making online deposits. Therefore, if you are on EE, Vodafone, Virgin Mobile, or Three, you won’t have issues. Since Boku has partnered with these mobile providers, you’ll find the service rounded, extensive, and safe. However, you should keep in mind that Boku bears the responsibility of the compliance envelope. Since online gambling sites that accept Boku support these phone payment services, the online payment service is supported by other payment authorities namely:

  • Ofcom – Controls communication in the UK
  • AIME – The trade association industry that offers longevity and support
  • PhonepayPlus – Controls UK’s pay by phone service

No bank account? No worries!

Most of the online payment methods such as PayPal require users to verify their information using an official bank account before using them. And that’s great. However, it can be difficult when you don’t want to associate your account with your gambling habits. However, with Boku, all you need is a phone number and smartphone. You don’t need to have a bank account or card information. You’ll have the time to enjoy yourself by playing your favorite online casino games.


Boku is one of the most accessible and secure online payment methods in the world. Since Boku doesn’t require your bank details to make transactions, it means it’s less likely for your account to be hacked. Hackers cannot use phone bill payments to steal your financial information. Leading Boku casino sites encourage players to use Boku to make casino activities secure. It offers security and anonymity at the same time. Plus, communication between the casino servers and your smartphone is encrypted. Therefore, for someone to put money into your account, they need to know your password and unlock your phone. All you need to protect your phone is a pin or pattern lock. Now is the time to try out Boku and discover everything it has to offer.

Author Bio:

Leslie Alexander is a writer and Content Lead at Casinosters. She is interested in gaming, writing, and music. She enjoys singing and painting during her leisure time.

Here’s What Every New Band In Los Angeles Needs In 2021

Forming your first band is a momentous occasion, but settling on a name, getting a few songs written and finalizing the line-up is just the first step on a long and difficult road to finding your audience. Believe it or not, you’ve done the easy part. Now, there are going to be a host of practical considerations, things you need to set aside time and headspace for, and you need to know that, if you’re serious about doing this, that this is a profession as well as an artistic expression.

On the plus side, it’s never been easier for a band to get their music out there into the world. On the other hand, you are entering an incredibly competitive landscape where there are thousands of artists battling for listeners, for air-time, for performance space. Indie bands are releasing music faster than ever before, so organization and planning could be the key to getting you ahead of the competition. Here are a few things that you need to keep in mind as you set out on your journey.

Get Organized With Money

No one has “make a budget spreadsheet” at the top of the list of things that they’re excited about doing when they form a band, but the fact of the matter is that, unless you have some extremely generous and wealthy parents who are subsidizing your entire life, no one is going to pay for you to get started. Any musician will tell you that paying gigs are few and far between when you’re first starting out, and at the moment there’s nobody going to live venues anyway. So, remember that everything costs money, from equipment and recording studios to food and electricity, think carefully about how much you can afford to be spending and plan accordingly.

Get Organized With Time

Everyone is having a hard time juggling their commitments right now and while there’s nothing better than escaping into music for a few hours, you need to be realistic about how likely it is that everyone you need is going to be able to hop onto a video call for practice whenever you feel like playing.

With that being said, everyone knows that rehearsal is never something that you can skimp on. You only get one chance to play for somebody for the first time, and if your band is sloppy, if it’s clear that you are not all on the same wavelength, or if someone has clearly not put the time and effort in, then you are going to see a lot of opportunities pass you by. So, once again, this may not be the most thrilling thing you ever do together as a group, but make a schedule for rehearsal and group discussion and make sure that you stick to it.

Make Sure Your First Recording Sounds Professional

As we mentioned, when you start sending your music to the people you want to listen to it, you are entering an incredibly competitive landscape. Everyone is hustling to be heard and while they may not have your talent, you need to be prepared for the fact that some people may have more resources. So, when it comes time to record what you’ve been working on, you have to go all in.

Look for a professional recording space where you will have the freedom to make sure that you are getting what you want to get done in the way that you want to do it, but which has enough top-     of-     the-     line equipment and experienced personnel to back you up. Browsing the choice of recording studios in Los Angeles can be a little daunting, but Pirate offers self-service access 24-7 and affordable rates to make sure you can capture the moment of inspiration without sweating the little things.

You’re Going To Need A Great Online Presence

Some artists find that crafting their online presence is easy, another avenue to express themselves creatively. Some have a gift for attracting followers and listeners with apparent ease. Some find it to be a total drag and will do everything in their power to avoid setting it up. To be brutally honest, an online presence and personality is not something that you can afford to skip. With so many artists and bands launching every single day, and so many of the more traditional methods of finding an audience currently on hold or closing down thanks to the pandemic, you need to figure out how you can make your social media channels work for you. If this isn’t something that comes naturally to you, then there are a few key things to remember. You need to make sure that you’re putting your best work out there for people to listen to. You need to be genuine and reachable. Most importantly, you need to have somewhere where people can find more of your work so that they will stick around.

How To Tell A Top Tier Online Casino From A Fake In Four Easy Steps


In the old days, one had to physically drive down to a casino, jostle for parking space, pay for accommodation, meals, and more for a night out of gambling. Today, while the same love for gambling still permeates our communities, it’s much easier, even cheaper, to gamble with the power of the world wide web.

That said, some feel like online gambling is less complete of a gambling experience. After all, while you may get convenience and other perks, you lose other things that are impossible to recreate virtually. Many cite the loss of human touch and privacy as aspects that hinder them from having a fully satisfying online experience.

Well, the good news is that though such elements of the game cannot be replicated perfectly in the digital world, there are many live casino software like that emulates these almost to a tee. To help you get the most out of your online gambling experience and pick the real ones from the fakes, here are four questions you should ask.

1. Is the Video Streaming High Quality?

One important aim of any online casino streaming service is to combine the atmosphere and interaction you’ll find in a real casino with the ease of gambling online. That way, users can enjoy the best of both worlds – the human experience of having a real dealer, yet with the immense convenience of accessing the gameplay from home.

So far, it seems like the most successful way to bridge the gap is through video streaming. Put simply, it means that a video link is set up between a live dealer and online players, such that the players can literally see the cards being dealt in the game. This is a far cry from the usual online gameplay, where players can only click around and wait for the software to deal with the cards. In some live streams, players can even interact with the live dealer through audio links or comment sections.

As such, if you’re looking for such an experience, it’s important to make sure that the video streaming capabilities of the website are in tip-top shape. After all, nothing is more frustrating than lagging in an exciting game or watching your cards through a pixelated screen. Not sure how to find out? Well, you can always start with online reviews of the video streaming quality, or watch some recorded streams available on YouTube. Chances are, if the videos are clear and seamless on these, they’ll be good to go for your experience too.

2. Are There Strong Privacy Measures?

Admittedly, gambling is a risky business when it comes to money. We’re not just talking about losing money on a bet or a game, but also from illegal use when you reveal your card information on online gambling sites.

Truth be told, it’s not that you can’t trust the hosts of the casino site as they are usually not the ones with bad intentions to steal sensitive information. However, if they have weak security and database protection, it makes them very susceptible to hackers who target these sites knowing that countless transactions happen there every day. Businesses should protect themselves and their customers’ data by doing these AWS security best practices to ensure that they are safe from attackers and hackers. This can help to avoid damage to both the business’s finances and its reputation.

In order to protect yourself, do seek out online gambling sites and software with a reputation for high data security. You should also look at the fine print carefully and look out for clauses that allow your information to be shared with third-party companies. Many people don’t think much of it, but it leaves your information out there and available to be tracked by companies you may not even know about. Hence, if you do find such clauses, be sure to opt-out!

For added protection, also consider setting up and using a PayPal account to place bets and buy tickets when you’re gambling online. While it may incur a small additional fee, it places your banking and financial information safe from any prying eyes looking for the next best scoop.

3. Does the Site Limit Betting?

Upon first glance, this question might seem strange. After all, who would want their betting ability to be restricted? However, as experience has informed us, online gambling is as addictive, if not more than physical gambling. And while you may limit yourself to a cash bankroll at a physical casino, your virtual wallet is unsealable and seemingly infinite at your disposal.

Hence, to reduce temptation to spend more than you can afford, some sites have implemented a limit system that restricts how much you can bet in an hour, day or month. These are particularly useful for those who want to ensure they play within their means and not spiral out of control.

4. Is The Accessibility Top Tier?

The whole point of playing online is arguably to make use of the ability to play anytime, anywhere. Compared to physical casinos where you have to wait hours for a big draw or abide by opening and closing times, online casinos have drawn every other minute and are open 24 hours a day. Travelling is also made redundant, so instead of driving hours on the interstate, at most you only have to move from one side of the couch to the next.

That said, there are some additional features that set some gambling sites apart from others, taking accessibility to the next level. If you’re someone who has convenience on the very top of your priority list, this is something you should note. The first feature you might want to pay attention to is whether the online casino has an app or mobile-ready version. This means players like yourself don’t even need to have a computer or desktop with you – all you need is a smartphone. It may sound like an insignificant feature, but the experience on mobile for websites and apps that are optimized for it is leaps and bounds better than those without.

The second feature is that of offline play. This is for those who have spotty Internet connections that interrupt gameplay, or worse, make you forfeit a winning ticket just because you can’t log on. Some sites do have this offline feature, that allows you to play even without an Internet connection! For these, you can also pre-buy tickets, and the system will automatically alert you and give you your prize if you win, even if you were logged out during the event.


All in all, online gambling can be of amazingly high quality if you choose the right site. The next time you go online, check against this checklist of four important questions and criteria to select your virtual casino by. Even if the first site you see doesn’t meet these, fret not! There are plenty of different sites online for you to choose from – yet another beauty of choosing to gamble virtually.

The Benefits of Using a Wax Liquidizer

Turn wax into liquid by using the Original Wax Liquidizer device. Use Shatter, Silicone etc, and turn other concentrates into liquid by using the same device. If you have been interested in trying out this product, then you may be disappointed to find that it does not work like you would want it to. This is not uncommon because most such liquidizers are not manufactured with high quality standards. However, there are other products out there which can be used to turn the shatter wax into liquid and do so very easily.

What is the best liquidizer

The best liquidizer for use with wax is the Original Wax Liquidizer, which comes with a whisk and a pouring pitcher. Using it is as easy as mixing a few drops of oil with a teaspoon of water. All you need to do is pour the mix into the pitcher, shake until the oil blends in with the liquid, and then whisk to combine. Next, use the measuring cup to measure out a tablespoon or two into your preferred teaspoon measuring cup. It is recommended to mix the two liquids together until they have completely blended and that there are no clumps.

You will also find other useful products such as the Portable Mixing Bowls. These bowls have a button on the side that allows you to set the desired ratio of oils and water for your mixing. They also come in various colors, and you can even personalize them by printing your own label with your desired flavorings. They are made of food-grade aluminum, which makes it very easy to use, and lightweight. The only downside is the fact that they come in only one size, which makes it difficult to mix small amounts. You can, however, dilute the contents to create a thinner consistency for use in diluting other ingredients such as extracts.

converting concentrate into liquid

If you wish to mix different flavors together, a conversion kit may be a handy option. These convert kits allow you to quickly and easily mix different flavors into the wax liquidizer according to your desired ratios. They are convenient because they are already set up, and all you have to do is add your desired concentrate, adjust the concentration as needed, and then convert the product into liquid. A few things to keep in mind when converting concentrate into liquid include using the same power level of your conversion kit as the amount you would like to convert to liquid, and ensuring that your power is shut off before converting the concentrate into liquid. You can also save time by setting your concentration based on the specific gravity of what you are converting into a juice.

In addition to being able to mix your own terpsusa, you can also take advantage of recipes available online or in kits that have been created for specific applications. For example, you can create an e-liquid recipe that includes specific fruit flavors, or create an exotic concoction with three different flavors of soda all included in one kit. You can even use ingredients that you have on hand and just mix them into the wax liquidizer to create something totally unique. As stated earlier, these kits are easy to convert from liquid into a concentrated form, so it won’t take long at all to convert your recipes into liquids. In fact, it may be less time than it would to simply make a batch of vanilla ice cream and pour that into a mold.

You can also save money by purchasing an affordable wax liquidizer over the Internet. There are many different liquidizers that are available at a variety of prices. There are basic models that simply create a stream of concentrated vapor, but there are also more expensive options that can perform many different functions. The more features you have, the more you will pay for it, so be sure to compare prices online before you decide to purchase one.

Most people who enjoy creating their own e-juice flavors turn to a pre-packed liquidizer kit. These come with several different flavors of wax liquidizer, along with jars to put it all in. Some kits even contain utensils such as a measuring cup and spoon for mixing the wax and the e-juice. This makes it much easier on newbies, especially those who may not have the ability to mix their own flavors. You don’t have to purchase all the necessary utensils to get started, which means you can experiment with different flavors without spending any money.

If you would rather buy your own wax liquidizer, there are several options. You can go to your local craft store and purchase a simple plastic mold in a variety of colors. These molds are available in a variety of strengths, which means you can dilute the wax based on the strength of your blend. It is important to note that you should never dilute the wax with more than one-fourth of a cup. You can also find multi-packs of these molds that contain several different strengths of wax liquidizer, allowing you to dilute according to the strength of the liquid you are creating.