Seven Kingdoms is:
Sabrina Valentine – Vocals
Camden Cruz – Guitar
Kevin Byrd – Guitar
Keith Byrd – Drums
Aaron Sluss – Bass

Fans of European style Power Metal have a lot to look forward at the end of the month; especially for those that, like me, love female fronted Metal of any type! There is just something about the timber of the female voice that runs straight through me, especially when they as good as the mighty pipes of lovely little Ms. Sabrina Valentine Cruz (not meant to be cute, she is really tiny!). I have listened to Seven Kingdoms for some time now and recently covered their killer show at The Haven in Winter Park, FL (Show Review). Simply stunning! Not only are they album perfect live, but bring such a fun and energetic persona to the stage. The furious and adroit abilities of guitarists Camden Cruz and Kevin Byrd effortlessly flow at ridiculous speeds while the rhythms and shared leads of Aaron Sluss’ bass lines are driven by the bedrock foundation of Keith Byrd’s blasting drums. Not to fault any of these killer players, Sabrina’s vocals are what hooked me a couple of years ago after first hearing The Fire Is Mine from 2012. Her voice emotes beautifully with such sparkling power and purity. Truly the voice of an angel and helps make Seven Kingdoms a damned addiction.
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