The Bucketlist With AUTOPILOT

*In this series we pose the age old questions to a wide array of music lovers. As fans of music most of us keep a mental list of active bands we want to see live that we haven’t yet seen. The Bucketlist brings to you those lists of your favorite artists and why those bands mean so much to them*

Hey there! It’s been a while since we’ve done one of these and its time to spin the bucketlist wheel again. Yes, bands consists of people like us and they also same the affinity for fellow bands or idols, so to speak. Today, we bring you our brothers from across the border up north. Hailing from Canada, AUTOPILOT has become a staple in the Sasktatoon Indie music scene. Known for their thoughtful lyrics, powerful hooks, dynamic stage show, and obsessive hard work, they somehow seem to effortlessly walk the line between passionate art and massive appeal. Over the course of 3 full-length records, and one EP, they’ve become road warriors, touring relentlessly across Canada and the US.

And today, we host them on our million dollar section of The Bucketlist. We ask them one simple question whose answers begs the metal idols they still haven’t had the privilege to check them out live. Some interesting answers await you, go find out and see if they match any of your idols.

  • METAL NEXUS:  “As a touring band/musician you get the chance to see a lot of bands up close and personal. A luxury not everyone has. A lot of music lovers keep a “Bucketlist” of bands that we want to see perform live. What are the top active bands you would like to see live (in order) and why?


One of my favourite bands that I’ve never seen live. They are one of the most creative mainstream bands that have been around forever. They are amazing songwriters, but seeing video of their shows doesn’t do it justice. I imagine it would be a mind-altering experience kind of like the experience you have at a Flaming Lips show.

Who knows if they will get it together long enough to put out another album and tour, but they have been a big influence on our band.

One of my favourite albums is Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. Our bass player, Jordan, saw Wilco a few years back in Chicago. I’m still hearing about how amazing the show was.

Perhaps the most under-rated musician that came out of the whole Seattle thing. After hearing him with Queens of the Stone Age and his album Bubblegum, I’ve always wanted to see him live. He puts out albums every few years still and we were too young to even know about the Screaming Trees at that time.

Meanwhile, the band has released the official music video for their single, “Undisguised.” Directed by Kevin Van Witt, “Undisguised” is off of the band’s latest album, ‘Afterglow. Go check that out down below.